New to Vermont’s NEK

Welcome to Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom!  Whether you are new to the area or just visiting for an extended holiday, we hope you’ll find the resources you need at to make your transition or stay easier.  

Community Links:

NEK Moms:  The, NEK Moms Facebook, NEK Moms Google+, NEK Moms Pinterest and NEK Moms Twitter social sites aim to provide the hyperlocal scoop on family/parenting/kids to NEK residents and visitors.

NVRH Community Wellness and Resources.  Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital features ongoing wellness classes and resources for area residents and visitors, including prenatal and postnatal classes, breastfeeding classes, car seat safety check clinics, CPR classes, fitness classes and more.

St. Johnsbury Recreation.  St. Johnsbury Recreation Department, based at St. Johnsbury Academy, offers year-round fitness and athletic programs for youth and adults, including summer camps, tennis clinics, track and field and lacrosse programs.

Newport Recreation.  Offers year-round community programming for families, adults and youths, including learn to sail clinics, Easter egg hunts, community dances and vacation week camps.

Ski Burke.  Burke Mountain provides and sponsors year-round outdoor adventure and indoor programming for residents and visitors to the NEK, including public, private and homeschool learn to ski programs, comedy nights, night sledding, torchlit skiing, downhill mountain biking, running races, and more.     

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